Cassata is celebrating
50 Years
of Education, Excellence and Community

In addition to financial resources, Cassata can use the following items to help our students and teachers.
Please bring items to the school, Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Gift cards to Walmart, Target, grocery stores, or gas cards to help our students in need of basic necessities
New baby or toddler clothes for our student parents
Money to cover uniform polo shirts required for each student. Each shirt costs $24
Bottled water
New professional clothes of good quality for interviews and internships, or gift cards to retail stores
New Dell laptops for classroom learning. (they cost $800 each)
Compound microscope for the science lab
Texas Instruments calculators (T184ce) - 15
Textbooks (U.S. History, Government)
For additional information, please contact DaLina Dennis at or 817.926.1745.